
Finally after two days of rain our river level has risen.


Restocking 2018

Here is a few photos from our restocking day this year …….. There should be plenty of fish in the water!

Restocking 2018

Restocking 2018

Restocking 2018

New Bridge

So as well as the new season we’ve also been out building a new bridge down near Sandy Wheel. Here’s the team hard at work.

New bridge day

New bridge day

New bridge day

New bridge day

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Start of new season…..

Well the day has come. It’s the start of the new trout fishing season TODAY. It was a frosty start to the day followed by a beautiful sunny 10oc day. We’ve been down to the river and it’s been lovely to see some keen fishermen on the river. Time to get the rods out, see you down there.

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Welcome to our new website

Welcome to our new website

Welcome to our new website. Here we will keep you up to date with the latest news from Hawes & High Abbotside Angling. We are currently working on a few things ready for the new season. Keep an eye on our latest news page and our gallery for updates. Hope to see a few of you on the river.

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